Memorial Day rain showers expected, mostly across Southern Colorado

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After a wet Sunday, additional rain will fall Memorial Day but today will not be nearly as active as yesterday for many of us.

Before we check the forecast, let's look at rainfall totals. Just Sunday, many spots of the Front Range and the plains had close to and over one inch of rain. This was not true for Western Colorado where conditions continue to remain quite dry.

For Memorial Day there will be additional rainfall, however, it will be a drier day overall as compared to yesterday.

The estimated rainfall on the way today is shown below:

The greatest chances for rainfall and higher totals shift to Colorado Springs and southern Colorado.

Here are a few timesteps to show the possible location of showers and thunderstorms throughout the day.


2 pm:

4 pm:

6 pm:

8 pm:

Those images above show a chance of rain for Denver to Fort Collins, but a far cry from Sunday's activity. Again, the heaviest action will stay on and south of the Palmer Divide.

If you have plans today, here's the hourly planner for Denver and another for Colorado Springs. You can always have access to a planner for your chosen location with your subscription.

Denver is shown above, here is Colorado Springs:

There is a warming trend to kickoff Tuesday. We will have more on that in the State of the Atmosphere we will publish tomorrow.