Wind gusts reported Wednesday

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We'll update this post a few times as new gusts are reported throughout the day as the Wednesday wind event continues to impact folks from Colorado to Kansas and beyond.

A lot of damage is likely/possible with this wind, obviously, so hunker down.

The highest wind gust we have recorded is from Lamar at 107 mph.

There's some erroneous information out there about a wind gust on Independence Pass going over 180 mph, but that is a false report. That particular weather station belongs to the CAIC and has been reporting constant wind gusts over 150 mph for days. There's a reliable CDOT station on Independence Pass that barely gusted over 30 mph this morning.

Gathering some of the stats from across Colorado:

Wind and fire hazards continue through Wednesday into Thursday across the Central U.S.

For Denver and metro areas, we have wind gusts to continue until late Wednesday, particularly the foothill locations. Stay safe.