State of the Atmosphere: Denver area weekly weather outlook

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Temperatures take a bit of a ride as rain chances come and go this week for the Denver area.

Expect the next temperature drop tomorrow, and then we warm back into the 90s by midweek. In hourly form, here are the temperatures (top chart below) and rain chances (below).

Rain chances will climb early in the week before dropping. Here's an animation showing the potential arrival times of the storms near you.

From the hourly planner above, we can go farther to see the next increase in rain chances will be later this week into next weekend.

Friday through Monday currently have elevated rain chances. The total moisture available remains low to moderate, but we may see some decent totals come from this week's activity. Here's the estimated rainfall for the week.

As far as temperatures for the week, they warm back up to near 90.

That's a quick look at the week ahead, we hope it's a good one for you. Elsewhere, we have a new tropical system that will likely hit Florida this week. Say hello to Idalia, which formed Sunday morning. Here's a track of both Idalia and Franklin, you can follow their forecasts on our interactive map this week here:

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