Denver had 2nd hottest July on record

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The Denver area recorded its 2nd hottest July in 2022.

The monthly average temperature of 78 puts 2022 behind 2012, which was 78.9 degrees, and ahead of 1934.

The average daily high was 93.5 degrees, and the overnight low was 62.6.

If you look at the list of 90+ degree days in July 2022 was also high on the all-time list at seventh.

Further, the days of 100s was 4th for all Julys.

The image below from ClimateCentral shows the Denver area's temperature trend since 1970. "Julys in Denver are getting hotter, leading to a change of 3.7°F since 1970."

If you are curious about the entire period of record, the trend for the Denver area since 1872 is +3.4 degrees.

The climate for Denver is between several weather stations during its history. The official climate record for the city is "Denver Area" which is a combination of all stations where official measurements have been made. The current official site is DIA.

If you'd like to see the Stapleton data with a period starting in 1948, here is the July result (8th warmest on record) for the station now called Central Park:

Since DIA started recording reliable July temperatures in 1995, the temperature change has been 2.6 degrees of warming; Central Park (Stapleton) has been 1.3 degrees for that same period.

Regardless of location, it was a hot one for the Denver area this July.

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